I can't recall how many times during my 7 1/2 year tenure at the Arkansas Arts Center someone suggested, or even insisted, that the museum purchase this 1976 Henry Moore sculpture, Large Standing Figure: Knife Edge and move it to our site in MacArthur Park. Even more often, others assumed that we already owned the piece and were doing it a great disservice to leave it in an unfelicitous spot in front of the Sterns Agee Building, where it was moved when the Capitol Avenue pedestrian mall reverted to a conventional roadway.
While, as the article suggests, semi-abstract sculpture still puzzles a great many people, a great many more seem to understand that this is a wonderful work of art, albeit badly sited, and certainly the best public sculpture in the city. The last I heard it was valued at something like 27 times its original cost, out of the price range of most small museums. Little Rock is lucky to have it, no matter where it is and no matter who owns it. Please have a look. But look both ways before you cross the street.